Life is better when we do it together!
We believe in the importance of doing life together with those who are similar places as us. We believe in having a community that can surround each of us during the good time as well as the hard times. This is why we believe in our Life groups! There is a life group for everyone and we are always looking for ways to add more groups to better fit the needs of our church.
Life Groups
The Really Old Men Encouraging Others Life Group provides a setting for men to grow in their faith journey through prayer, the study of God’s Word, and character-sharpening relationships. Jesus Christ taught us to love, serve, and disciple others. We want to encourage and equip men to rise to this calling.
Blessed Ladies
Whether you have been in a Women’s Life Group before now, or if this is your first time, we welcome you to come and join this group of women as we learn to live out God’s Word in our everyday lives and finding our identity in Christ.
Young Families
Experienced Lifers
Decatur or Watauga
This Life Group is for our Young families who may have kids or not and whether it is your first child or fifth, we want you in this group! We want to live life together as we balance work, family, marriage, and raising kids in this crazy world while also trying to deepen our relationship with God.
Our goals are to build relationships that help us to grow closer to God. We will be a safe place to wrestle and pray about real-life issues. To grow by intentionally inviting believers and non-believers who are not in a Life Group.
Young Adults
Cruising Through Life
This Life Group will be a safe place to share real life with others who care. Together we will grow closer to God and find ways to serve him. We will invite those in need of community. Our goal is to grow and multiply.
Our group is seasoned with empty nesters and some retired individuals who play hard and love hard.We are still in the prime of life and enjoy meeting together to study God’s word and discuss the challenges that we face during this phase of our lives. You might have guessed by the group’s name that many of us love to go on cruises.However, that is not a requirement to join us! We also have many other interests and are open to trying new adventures.
Upper Room Prayer
The Well
The Upper Room Prayer group invites Christians to focus on the Lord in worship and His word while praying for the salvation and healing of people locally and around the world. We seek to encourage prayer in every area of the church and believe it to be the foundation through which the Lord will work in our midst. All are welcome to join us anytime.
The purpose of this group is to provide encouragement, fellowship, a place to serve, and healing for those who have experienced the loss of a spouse. Your loss does not have to be recent. This is not a grief counseling group. Our focus is on fellowship with those whom we share this commonality. John 10:10 tells us Christ came so that we may have life to the full. He did never said this should stop after great loss.
Parents of Seekers
Coming February 2024
Are you raising a teen? Do they leave you scratching your head some days? Join us as we navigate raising teens today and find a place of community with those in a similar place as you.
Life Groups Meeting Time
There is a group there for you! Here are the meeting times for each of our groups:
Boyd Brower (817) 965-3492
2nd & 4th Thursday
Starting at 9 am Joe’s Coffee Shop on Denton Hwy.
2nd & 4th Thursday
Starting at 9 am Joe’s Coffee Shop on Denton Hwy.
Blessed Ladies
Pam Cox (817) 528-5401
2nd & 4th Thursday of the Month
Grounded Cafe at 10am
2nd & 4th Thursday of the Month
Grounded Cafe at 10am
Young Families
Pastor Rebecca Aleman (940) 395-7745
We meet every other Wednesday
6pm in the Church Fireside Room
We meet every other Wednesday
6pm in the Church Fireside Room
Experienced Lifers (Decatur)
Jamie Tryon (940) 453-3994
Wednesday evening
7pm at the IHOP in Decatur, TX
Wednesday evening
7pm at the IHOP in Decatur, TX
Young Adults
Pastor Lynn Nichols (813) 504-4485
Wednesday evening
7pm at Laura and Margarito's Home
Wednesday evening
7pm at Laura and Margarito's Home
Cruising Through Life
Gwen Shelton (817) 480-3773
Sunday Evening
6pm in the Grounded Cafe
Sunday Evening
6pm in the Grounded Cafe
Upper Room Prayer
Experienced Lifers (Watauga)
Mark Lofton (817) 812-7102
Wednesday Evening
6 pm in the Grounded Cafe
Wednesday Evening
6 pm in the Grounded Cafe
Robyn Savage (949) 922-4495
Wednesday evening
7pm at the home of Guy & Olga Landrum
Wednesday evening
7pm at the home of Guy & Olga Landrum
The Well
Parents of Seekers
Julie Brown (972) 740-0222
2nd Sunday Following Service
11:30am in the Fireside Room
2nd Sunday Following Service
11:30am in the Fireside Room
Pastor Rebecca Aleman (940) 395-7745
Details Coming Soon
February 2024 Kick off
Details Coming Soon
February 2024 Kick off
Life Group information
We'd love to get you connected to a Life group that best fits you. Fill out the form below for more information.
Life groups help people grow in their faith and build community. Our groups take place throughout the week in different neighborhoods, so use this form to find a group that's right for you. We'd love to have you join us!