How it all started...
The Northside story began in 1934 when the church officially opened in a storefront as Wesley Church of the Nazarene on the northside of Fort Worth. The founding pastor was Rev. A. L. Dennis. In 1939, the name changed to North Fort Worth Church of the Nazarene. In 1950 a building was purchased across from North Side High school and in 1963 a new sanctuary was built on that property. In this transition the church became known as simply Northside. In 1978, under the visionary leadership of Rev. Wooldridge, the church voted to move to Watauga. After many setbacks the first phase of the building-the current gym was completed. A new sanctuary was build and dedicated in 1992.

Expanding the vision...
Northside was founded on the belief that everyone needs Jesus Christ, and so following the command to go and make followers of Jesus has been the churches guiding passion. Reaching people in our community has naturally been a primary focus, however, reaching people around the world has also been a significant passion of the church. Global mission has been and continues to be an exciting part of church life at Northside. Loving and accepting people regardless of their background or life story has been a defining characteristic of our church family. In 1970 Fort Worth was 72% white and in 2010 it was only 42% white; Fort Worth is now a global community. To meet this need, Northside initiated a Hispanic ministry and then helped them become a vital Hispanic church. Additionally, we have shared our building with an African congregation and currently share space with another Hispanic church.
Where we are headed...
The world has changed greatly since the early days of Northside, and the church has changed its methods to meet these changes. We are increasingly diverse in ethnicity reflecting our community. Worship styles have changed, but the focus of worship has not. We are passionate worshippers of Christ in person or online. The Word of God is our guiding authority regardless of where we read it, from a leather Bible or the church app on our phone. We gather together in homes and at church to study the Bible and build quality relationships, both of which strengthen our faith.
Missions abroad is celebrated and supported as is local compassionate ministry. Making homeless matts and putting together “Dignity Kits” for immigrants at our southern border are current outreach examples. Our vision is to “HELP PEOPLE FIND GOD’S DIRECTION” for their lives. We would love to include you in our church family.
Missions abroad is celebrated and supported as is local compassionate ministry. Making homeless matts and putting together “Dignity Kits” for immigrants at our southern border are current outreach examples. Our vision is to “HELP PEOPLE FIND GOD’S DIRECTION” for their lives. We would love to include you in our church family.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10 am.